Monday, January 27, 2014

Bathroom Remodeling

I have been watching Chinese martial arts movies lately with DH, and being in a militant mood, I decided to rip up the wallpaper on the back wall of the bathroom. And then I said, "Now what?"

The previous layout was fine, but it felt a bit exposed. Also, the oval window clashed with the mirror above the sink.

I decided to close up the window, and use a miniature cork-sculpture screen from my collection to create some privacy for the toilet area. I had bought the screen a few months ago for $14.50 (+ $5 shipping) from eBay.

I am still playing around with the placement of the fixtures. I will let you know how it goes.


Giac said...

Hello Sumaiya,
I LOVE the new direction you took. It is so original and very beautiful. I think the new setup works really well and nicely scales the space down to a much more comfortable room. LOVE IT!
Big hug,
p.s. didn't find any pictures, but will keep looking.
second big hug

otterine said...

It already seems more planned, vintage and upscale. Nice work! :D

Sumaiya Mehreen said...

Thanks for the comments :)

Marisa said...

OMG I was not expecting that, I love what you've done!
