Thank You Oiseau!

The package from France arrived late last year, on a day when I desperately needed to be cheered up! My good friend of many years was leaving the country, so I was sad ... Oiseau's tiny treasures brought a smile on my face that day. The package included roast chicken, poached pear in chocolate sauce, pate, seashell chocolate for Christmas, an amazingly detailed Hortensia plant and carrots in a handwoven basket!

For more minis by Oiseau deNim, visit:
Yummy! those foods are so delicious, can i have some... =)
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Wow. I found your blog when I started looking into dollhouses. I traced it back, and read through to the beginning, and I think it's just amazing!
I haven't started work on my Garfield yet, but I've started a blog to document my progress which is completely inspired by yours.
You're blog has gone into detail on not only the things I wouldn't have picked up on my own, but the speed bumps involved, as well as the many things to look forward to! :) I would love it if you could follow my garfield blog and lend me feedback whenever you get the chance, and hopefully we can start talking, if you don't mind me bending your incredibly skilled ear! Amy Sutherland xxxx
Wow, your doll house is amazing. I just started with my Garfield doll house and a blog. When you like you can pay me a visit.
Your blog showed us how wonderful a doll house can be. In the Netherlands we don't know this kind of Victorian buildings.
Thanks for showing us.
I am very much immpressed with your blog. please kindly add my newly created blog, which is as below:
You got a really useful blog I have been here reading for about an hour. I am a newbie and your success is very much an inspiration for me.
Business Logo Design
I just stumbled across your blog, and I don't really know much about Garfield dollhouses, but the miniature food drew me in. It reminded me of this book I used to have from American Girl that was called Bitty Treasures or something like that and it was a book full of craft ideas for little mini scenes. It had food, beds, bookcases, school bags; all sorts of miniature items. I don't know if they would look too homemade, but if you want to make your own decor I actually highly recommend that book, or one like it because I'm not sure they make it anymore. They make this one about food:
and I think also some others.
Anyways, I have no idea if that's even remotely what you do with a Garfield dollhouse, but it definitely reminded me of it.
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