Thursday, November 6, 2008


Found this wonderful reference drawing of Victorian Moldings. Although my molding plans for this house are not nearly as ambitious, it's nice to have something to refer to. Click on the drawing to see a larger version.

I think I will have very simple crown moldings and baseboards in addition to the door and window casings provided in the Garfield kit.


  1. Oh, my WOW, can you imagine the skill of the carpenrty...and the bill. I love the corner guard and have tried to find something to use, but ????? I think I'll add the plinth mouldings though..they look wonderful. Thank you for the research, my dear.

  2. I am in love with your dollhouse. I've been looking at getting a Garfield for quite a while now, and seeing how yours has been developing, I can hardly wait to try my hand at it! It's a treat to see your progress. I can't wait to see what you do next!!

  3. Dear Justus:

    Please please please keep me updated with your Garfield construction!

  4. I most definitely will! I'm terrified to start - you and others online set quite a high precedent! How did you ever settle on what sort of interior/ exterior designs you'd do? I feel absolutely fickle. Part of me would love to do something darker with it (this might sound silly, but I've always thought it would be great fun to do an Addams Family inspired house...) or something whimsical (Alice in Wonderland sort of influence - what her home in this world would've looked like...)

  5. Dear Justus:

    I am decorating my dollhouse in colors that I would like to use in my own house ... I imagine myself living in the Garfield, walking from room to room, and spending a lot of time in the tower room...

    Would you email me at It would be so much easier to carry on this conversation over email instead of leaving comments! :D
